• Project Name: Elective - Welcome to my home, Collective housing, Cathedral, San José

Elective - Welcome to my home, Collective housing, Cathedral, San José

This project was carried out in the elective course at the School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica. The project consisted of a series of experiments carried out throughout one semester of the design elective in multifamily housing in downtown San José. Each experiment is a sum of theoretical and practical elements. It covers 6 basic concepts such as: Society, City, Resources and sustainability, management, typology and perception. These have an assigned theme: Housing without user, housing without gender, reused housing, transitional housing, domestic mechanism and housing with identity and values.

The building has common spaces such as gymnasium, laundries, recreation areas and also as a mixed-use building, the first levels are for commercial use such as restaurants, convenience stores, rental premises, among others.

Area: 10000 – 12000 m²

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